Seljakott OGIO Bandit - Must
Seljakott Ogio
- The Ogio Bandit backpack is a product that will surprise you not only with its quality but also with its practicality . The Bandit is very spacious and has a large number of pockets in which you can store everything you need at work or at university. A separate laptop pocket is lined with a soft material that protects against scratches, and there is a special foam at the bottom of the pocket that cushions the impact. The same material is used to finish the separate pocket for glasses , which is located in the upper part of the backpack, the tablet pocket in the front chamber and some of the internal pockets in which you can store e.g. a phone, mouse, camera or other electronic equipment. The front chamber also has an organizational panel in which you can spread out pens, business cards or attach keys to a special clip. The back construction and ergonomic shoulder straps ensure comfort of use, and the fastening system on the handle of larger luggage makes it easy to move around the airport.
- Sülearvuti (max 16"), mis on vooderdatud mikrokiudainega, et kaitsta kriimustuste eest.
- Peasahtlis on vooderdatud tasku IPadile/tahvelarvutile.
- Vooderdatud kaamera/telefoni tasku
- HUB-süsteem (Hybrid Unibody Backpanel) tagab maksimaalse selja mugavuse.
- Kinnitussüsteem suurema pagasi teleskoopkäepidemele
- Ergonoomilised, vahtpolsterdatud õlarihmad koos reguleeritavate rihmadega, mis suurendavad seljakoti kandmise mugavust
- Korralduspaneeliga tasku, kus on ruumi pliiatsi, dokumentide, võtmete ja muude tarvikute jaoks
- Kaks väikest tõmblukuga vooderdatud taskut prillide või kaamera jaoks
- Kaks tõmblukuga küljetaskut
- Kaks tõmblukuga küljetaskut
- Rinnarihm lisamugavuse tagamiseks
- Pehme neopreenist käepide seljakoti peal
- Mahutavus: 27,9 L
- Kaal: 1,1 kg
- Mõõdud: 48 x 34 x 22 cm
- Sülearvutiosakond: 40,5 x 26,5 x 5 cm
- Materjal: Materjal: 600D polü, 420 dobby polü